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Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Chicken Coop Sneak Peek

Our chickadees are growing fast, so this past weekend was time to get started on the chicken coop. To save time and money, we decided to use an existing shed that my grandpa had originally built on the farm. For years, the shed had collected all sorts of old farm equipment, spiderwebs, and tons of wasp nests. But despite all of the work it needs, its got a strong foundation & potential - and that's what's most important. Our first step was to attempt to get rid of the live wasp nests. Levi waited until the sun went down to surprise them in a sneak spray attack while they were all nestled in their homes for the night. What a fiasco that was! But hey, it sort of got the job done! Once we finally got rid of the nests, we were able to clear out the shed, rake the floor free of debris, and start building the sides using untreated pine panels. 
And up goes the wall! The guys also installed a screen door for easy access inside the coop, and this coming weekend we plan on building the laying boxes, as well as proper windows for better ventilation. I know it doesn't look like much right now, but with a little TLC, a few more cans of wasp spray, and a couple buckets of some brightly colored paint, this chicken coop is going to be beautiful. Stay tuned, as we will need to have this finished for our growing girls within the next week!

Any ideas of what color I should paint the coop? I'm thinking something tropical & Caribbean....

(That or I'm having a serious case of need-to-go-on-a-beach-vacation coming on!)


  1. Wow! It looks amazing!! Maybe you could just paint it a rustic turquoise and add some designs to it however looks beachy.

    1. Rustic turquoise... I like that!! Good idea! I'm thinking about adding some colorful shutters to the front windows once it's all painted and decorated. The ladies will be living in style!


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